Polycentral Drop 02

Dear Friends,
Polycentral is a rotating selection of third wave coffee beans. It’s what I’d choose to buy and drink myself, shared with you as eight cups of four coffees.
Four beans are featured on this drop:
- Dinah Select PB by Solid State Coffee
- Kiangai AA by Regalia Coffee Roasters
- El Porvenir by Cafe Integral
- Bishan Dimo by Regalia Coffee Roasters
Two Drops in, here are my reflections on how I want to shape this product going forward. If you are a customer, I’d love to hear your thoughts*.
Highlighting Roasters
Building relationships with roasters has been one of my favorite things about entering the coffee industry. With Polycentral, the goal is never to mark up a roasters’s beans for profit, but to showcase my favorite selection of beans available to me at a given time.
On every bean’s profile, there will always be a link for you to buy directly from the roaster and I encourage you to buy your favorite beans of the drop.
Ascending Quality
I’m an Enneagram 1, a perfectionist, but I’ve learned (the hard way) to strike while the iron is hot. With Polycentral, I aspire to deliver you the highest quality product and experience, given the time constraints of time, freshness, and delivery speed. This means proceeds from every drop are reinvested entirely into the next one. It means staying lean, moving quick — higher quality beans, better branding, faster delivery.
Whether it’s adtech, cryptography, or coffee, I often find myself attracted to industries with complex ecosystems, technical nuance, and dense vocabulary. And I’ve always loved making these industries easy to understand.
With Polycentral, my goal is to share what I’ve learned so that you know what roast, varietal, and processing method you like personally so that you can find your favorite coffee. Going forward, Polycentral will also feature:
- Educational stubs explaining coffee concepts like natural/washed processing
- Cuppings where we can taste coffees as a community
- Practical advice on how to store your coffee and when to drink it (degassing)
What else would you like to learn?
Thanks for being an early believer of Polycentral.
Whether as a personal ritual or with community, may this coffee bring you joy and vitality.
* Please DM me on Instagram (@irajfko) or if you’re not on IG or don’t know me personally, shoot an email to polycentralcoffee@gmail.com.