The Sanctity of the Inbox

I read a LinkedIn post from a RevOps / salesperson evangelizing what he called the "triple touch" approach.

The triple touch involves pinging the prospect on LinkedIn, email, and cell phone all on the same day.

It probably works.

But I won't do it. Short-term tactics like this are what make sales as a profession feel salesy.

As a founder, I keep my inboxes separate.

Medium Do I Know You? (Yes) Do I Know You? (No)
Voicemail Top priority Ignore
iMessage High priority, depends on the preview High priority
Voice memo High priority Medium priority, suspicious
Phone Call High priority Ignore
Email Depends on person/subject line Depends on subject line
LinkedIn DM Yes, but often swamped Depends on your profile

As a customer, I want you to treat my inboxes with respect. Don't call me if you don't know me, especially if it's not urgent.

  1. Voicemail
  2. iMessage
  3. Voice memo
  4. Phone Call from known contact
  5. Email from known contact
  6. LinkedIn DM
  7. Email from unknown contact

Think about how you use the different messaging apps on your phone.

And then think about how you're outbounding.